Natasha Grey is the co-creator of The Conscious Store, the co-host of the Conscious Living podcast with Casey plus Natasha and is a wife and mother.She has a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and extensive education in holistic nutrition. She is passionate about helping people wake up to their life and live a conscious life (a life with purpose and on purpose)!
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Laura Berg is a working woman entrepreneur and the President of My Smart Hands Inc, a company that teaches Baby Sign Language with over 200 instructors. Her book, The Baby Signing Bible has cemented her status as the go-to authority on Baby Sign Language. Laura also has a very successful YouTube channel with over 36 Million views. She is a professional speaker that shares her entrepreneurial journey with audiences around the world.
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Working woman entrepreneur Stacy Tuschl is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and business coach. In her book "Is Your Business Worth Saving?", she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success. You can check our her top-rated podcast on iTunes, Business Rescue Road Map, where she interviews leading industry experts and shares her real life experiences to help you save your business and rescue your life.
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Working woman entrepreneur Janel Maitland is the CEO and Co-founder of Frienedy, the next generation of social media designed for private group networking. She left a corporate career of 20 years to form a tech company and social media platform around her vision. Launched in April 2015, the Frienedy team is currently finalizing version 2.0 anticipated late spring 2016- and which is fully expected to dominate a new social media niche.
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Working woman entrepreneur LaTisha Styles is a nationallyrecognized millennial personal finance expert and digital marketingprofessional. Through her signature coaching programs, LaTishahelps emerging entrepreneurs establish an online presence to findnew clients. She has been featured in The Economist, quoted inForbes, and mentioned in U.S. News and World Report as a toppersonal finance expert to follow on Twitter.
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