Lisa Vogt is a serial entrepreneur who enjoys the challenge and creativity of building companies and communities that make a difference. Lisa lives in the D.C. area with her husband and wonderful teenage son. She is a breast cancer warrior who is grateful for the support of her family, friends,and incredible medical professionals who have helped her along the way. Lisa founded the Ever Better community to share resources and ideas for continuous improvement. Check out the Ever Better podcast and community at
Current Business:
Definition of Success: Achieving a good balance in her life with family, friends, business and the communities she’s involved with while contributing to making the world a better place.
Best Advice: Take time to carefully research what your endeavor is.
Secret to Being the Best Mom She Can Be: Tries to listen to her son and what’s important to him. Spends time with him and tries to understand his perspective so she can be there for him.
Huge Time Saver: Hiring a house cleaner, meal planning and preparation on the weekend for the following week.
Book: The Boys in the Boat, Big Magic, Resilience
App: Podcasts
Other Links: Pilates Reformer
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Maggie Patterson is a communications strategist who works with brands and small businesses to help them get results using content, copy and smart promotional strategies. She started her business more than 10 years ago after leaving her position as Account Director at a top PR agency. Maggie is the host of the Marketing Moxie podcast and her work has been published by Fast Company, Entrepreneur and many other leading publications.
Current Business:, Marketing Moxie Podcast
Definition of Success: How many people am I able to impact, am I able to spend my time in the way that's impactful for myself and my family? Do I have the flexibility to do what I want to do and live out my purpose?
Best Advice: Progress Not Perfection!
Secret to Being the Best Mom She Can Be: Realizing at each stage of your child's life that they need you in a different way.
Huge Time Saver: Hiring a cleaning lady, having her husband and son help her when she needs them to.
Book: The 12 Week Year
App: Word Swag
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Kelly Roach is powerhouse, business growth strategist and peak performance coach that helps teams, companies and individuals increase their profit, accelerate growth and have fun doing it. Kelly transforms exhausted, overwhelmed business leaders into empowered results machines. She is known for helping business leaders consistently add millions to the bottom line without sacrificing your quality of life. Kelly is a thought leader in the link between exercise, empowerment and exponential business growth. She is a thought leader in the link between exercise, empowerment and exponential business growth. She is also the founder of the Freedom Formula coaching programs, which combine business mastery and personal growth to achieve everything you want out of life.!
Current Business: Kelly Roach Coaching
Definition of Success: Having your exterior in alignment with your exterior.
Best Advice: Be truly present with whatever you are doing.
Huge Time Saver: Outsource tactical ToDo's.
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Heather B. Armstrong is widely acknowledged to be the most popular “mommy blogger” in the world. Her website, dooce®, has twice been listed as one of the 25 best blogs in the world by Time Magazine. Forbes listed dooce® as a top 100 website for women and named Heather one of the 30 most influential women in media. She is a New York Times Best Selling Author with 1.5 million Twitter followers and an actively engaged audience. Not bad for a “mommy blogger.” But that title is a digital pigeonhole. Heather is actually a writer, a speaker, a consultant, and a huge fan of Britpop.
Current Business:,
Definition of Success: Saying no in order to say yes to more of yourself.
Best Advice: Budget for delegation.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Making sure her kids are happy, loved and supported. Walking away from work at 5:00 pm and on weekends to spend time with kids.
Huge Time Saver: Delegate both household and business tasks to assistant.
Previous Episodes w/ Single Moms:
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Heather K. Terry is the founder of NibMor Chocolate, which can be found in thousands of retail locations nationwide. Entrepreneur, yogi, food enthusiast, author and mom, Heather is a health aficionado and an advocate for eating real, simply prepared, organic foods (especially chocolate). Heather is also big on empowering women in business to live their lives while bringing home the (nitrate free) bacon and inspires thousands via her Instagram feed (@heatherkterry) by sharing her entrepreneurial experiences, yoga practice and food choices. She holds an MFA from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University, is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and studied chocolate making at The French Culinary Institute of Manhattan. Heather's first book 'From Broadway to Wall Street: Cautionary Tales of an Unlikely Entrepreneur' will hit bookshelves November 2015 (
Current Business: NibMor Chocolate
Definition of Success: Getting up, getting out there and going whole hog all day.
Best Advice: Believe whole hardheartedly that everything you’ve experienced in your life is valid and can be useful in business.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Time with her daughter is sacred, nonnegotiable and great fun. She puts boundaries in place and won’t sacrifice them under any circumstance.
Time Hack: When she's feeling unproductive and/or zapped she'll walk away for 10 minutes, do nothing and it recharges her battery so she can get back to work and is more productive.
Huge Time Saver: Uses online services such as: Thrive Market, Abe's Market so she doesn't have to go out to stores.
Books: From Broadway to Wall Street, The Mystic in the Theater, Letters to a Young Poet, When Things Fall Apart, Anatomy of the Spirit, Dream Work, Mother Daughter Wisdom
Apps: Evernote, Margin Calculator
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Angie Fisher founded and created Coaching Success Systems in 2011 as a way to provide busy entrepreneurs with the full range of resources they need to accomplish their goals. What began as a part-time position to enjoy more time at home with her family became a full-time, thriving business by 2012, providing copywriting, graphic design, administrative and marketing assistance, and more. Since 2012 she has grown a successful business, creating a team of talented support members providing valuable service to clients all over the world.
Current Business: Coaching Success Systems
Definition of Success: Living the life you want to lead.
Best Advice: Get a coach if you don't have one already.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Listen to your intuition and remember your "why."
Time Saver: Splits responsibilities with husband.
Recommended Books: The Slight Edge
Recommended Apps: Everything Google, Evernote, Teamwork PM
Contact Information: Coaching Success Systems
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Allie McAdam works with the ambitious population of the world who desperately want to shout their passions from the roof tops. She is a self-taught Web Designer who helps her clients have more unparalleled potential, while sprinkling in a little personality. She is also the non-refundable host of the Passion In Business Podcast that turns wanna-be goals into self-proclaimed successes. And when she’s not making valuable mistakes and learning from life’s necessary lessons, she can be found in her pajamas watching Daniel Tiger with her too-smart-for-his-own-good one year old. You can learn more about the authenticity behind Allie at
Current Business: Passion in Business Podcast and web design.
Definition of Success: Being happy where you are in life with what you have.
Best Advice: Have more confidence in yourself.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Loving unconditionally, putting aside time for her son to enjoy the moment, having confidence and passing it on to him.
Time Saver: Schedule family first and everything else falls into place.
Recommended Books: School of Greatness and Scheduled Balance
Recommended Apps: Day One, Trello
Contact Information:
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Allie McAdam works with the ambitious population of the world who desperately want to shout their passions from the roof tops. She is a self-taught Web Designer who helps her clients have more unparalleled potential, while sprinkling in a little personality. She is also the non-refundable host of the Passion In Business Podcast that turns wanna-be goals into self-proclaimed successes. And when she’s not making valuable mistakes and learning from life’s necessary lessons, she can be found in her pajamas watching Daniel Tiger with her too-smart-for-his-own-good one year old. You can learn more about the authenticity behind Allie at
Current Business: Passion in Business Podcast and web design.
Definition of Success: Being happy where you are in life with what you have.
Best Advice: Have more confidence in yourself.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Loving unconditionally, putting aside time for her son to enjoy the moment, having confidence and passing it on to him.
Time Saver: Schedule family first and everything else falls into place.
Recommended Books: School of Greatness and Scheduled Balance
Recommended Apps: Day One, Trello
Contact Information:
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Jenn Aubert was frustrated by the massive amounts of information available online on starting and growing a business and yet feeling like specific skills she needed to learn were hard to come by, so Jenn co-founded Learn Savvy as a one-stop shop for women to gain the business, technical and life skills they need and the community to support them. She is also the new co-owner of the site Showcasing Women which she and and her partner acquired in 2015. Jenn is also a “retired” acupuncturist and a published author. Her book Women Entrepreneur Revolution: Ready! Set! Launch! explores the mindset, motivation and behaviors of successful women entrepreneurs and the role models who may have influenced them.
Current Business: Learn Savvy, Showcasing Women
Definition of Success: Waking up excited everyday and going to bed knowing that she was able to help people.
Best Advice: Find a mentor who has done what you want to do.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Be mindful while parenting and working. Anti-Multitasking!
Time Saver: Give yourself time constraints.
Delegated Household Task: Shares housekeeping with husband.
Recommended Books: Rising Strong
Recommended Apps: Buffer, Hootsuite, Evernote, Cozi
Contact Information: and
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Nicole Johnson is Founder, President, and Lead Sleep Consultant of The Baby Sleep Site®, an online company devoted to helping parents of sleepless babies and toddlers solve their children’s sleep issues. The company was borne out of Johnson’s own experiences as a sleep-deprived mother of two. After spending countless hours researching baby sleep, Johnson was able to solve her sons’ sleep issues, and in 2008, she created a website on which she shared her wisdom and experience with other exhausted parents. What began as a small side-business has blossomed over the past 7 years into a full-fledged telecommute company. Today, The Baby Sleep Site® employs 12 sleep consultants, 3 customer service reps, and 3 administrators. The website itself has become the internet’s leading authority on baby and toddler sleep, and currently enjoys over 1.3 million visitors and 2 million page views each month. Johnson, her husband, and their two boys currently reside in Columbus, OH.
Current Business: The Baby Sleep Site
Definition of Success: Helping her business grow to be financially healthy, while working whatever hours she wants from home and being home with her kids.
Best Advice: Find your passion and your talents and merge them together.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Being routine oriented, getting up early and focusing on her work. When kids get up she cooks them breakfast and takes them to school. Gets work all wrapped up while the kids are in school and when they get home they do something fun.
Time Saver: Had a nanny when the kids were young and she has a cleaning crew come in every two weeks. She also used to have a grocery service.
Delegated Household Task: Having husband and kids help with laundry and other housework.
Recommended Books: James Patterson Books, Coaching Millions, Get Clients Now!
Recommended Apps: Base Camp, Cozi,
Contact Information:,, 888-599-1665
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When Ann - Maree Morrison became the mother of three active boys she realized that losing personal effects can upset the daily routine and replacing belongings can be frustrating and expensive . What every parent needed was a ready supply of labels which would be reliable and easy to apply . Labels4Kids was born. From the beginning Ann - Maree believed that the great quality and great customer service would be at the forefront of her business. And this is still true today. With Labels4Kids, satisfaction is guaranteed.
Current Business:
Definition of Success: Working from home, whatever hours she wants and being home with the kids.
Best Advice: Don't procrastinate, just do it, life's too short. Don't be afraid to ask for help and network.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Working from home so she can attend children's events and go to their appointments with them. Teach her boys that they can do or be anything they want.
Time Saver: Listing things in the evening that she needs to do in the morning.
Delegated Household Task: Share responsibilities with husband and hire someone to clean the house.
Recommended Books: The E-Myth Revisited, Go Global: How to take your business to the world, 85 Inspiring ways to market your Small Business
Recommended Apps: Get Taxi, Wonderlist and good old fashioned paper
Contact Information: Labels4Kids, (Have a Party!)
Mastermind Articles: What is a Mastermind Goup? 7 Reasons To Join A Mastermind Group, How to Find a Mastermind Group
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Denise LaRosa is a wife and mother of two precious girls. Being a mother has led her to becoming the founder and CEO of Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa, LLC, a multimedia platform designed to motivate, inspire and inform mothers. She utilizes her parenting experiences and background as an elementary educator with a Masters degree in education to bring mothers invaluable resources and information on parenting.
Current Business: Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa
Definition of Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
Best Advice: Don't worry about what other people think.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Knowing your why.
Time Saver: Batching tasks.
Delegated Household Task: Share responsibilities with husband.
Recommended Books: The Barefoot Executive, Everyday a Friday
Recommended Apps: Covey Mom, Calendly
Contact Information: Mom Talk with Denise LaRosa
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Kelly McNelis is a psychologist who quit her day job to become a full-time blogger. On her blog,, Kelly writes about crockpot recipes and freezer meals. She also has four eCookbooks. Kelly has three young daughters and is currently expecting a baby boy.
Current Business: New Leaf Wellness
Definition of Success: Having a family business that generates a full-time income.
Best Advice: Start collecting email addresses immediately and send out a newsletter to your community. Sending out a newsletter is more important than writing that next blog post.
Secret to Being The Best Mom She Can Be: Being a Mom, Wife and Homemaker comes first.
Time Saver: Freezer crock pot meals.
Delegated Household Task: Grocery Shopping Online.
Recommended Books: Launch, The Four Hour Workweek
Recommended Apps: Cozi
Other Links: Her viral blog post
Contact Information: New Leaf Wellness
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Khadija's passion for helping women comes from triumphing over tragedy in her life, believing in herself, and knowing there are NO limits. In 2007, she became a widow and was suddenly a single mom to five children. Overnight, she had to figure it out; from settling her husband’s estate to finding housing for the six of them, to going from limited income to suddenly having lots of cash! Unfortunately, (or fortunately!) in less than four years she was broke again. Why? Because her money thermostat was set to ‘practically zero’. She had the erroneous belief that she didn’t deserve to have this money because it was associated with her husband’s death. It was blood money in her eyes and it took a lot of soul searching to erase this belief.
Definition of Success: It's having the money to afford you the time to spend with your family and/or the opportunity to experience other lifestyles.
Best Advice: Know who you are, know what makes you tick, know what you enjoy doing and honor that about yourself. If it's not your passion don’t do it, trust your gut and trust your instincts.
Secret to Being The Best Mom You Can Be: Continually working on myself.
Time Saver: Meal Planning.
Recommended Books: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Who Moved My Cheese, The Four Agreements, The Four Hour Workweek
Recommended Apps: Use what's already on your phone such as notepad.
Other Links: The Oath of Manifestation
Contact Information: Facebook, Khadija Coaches, Twitter,
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Talmar Anderson is a woman on a mission -- to help small businesses beat the high failure rate! Her mantra that “Business is NOT innate. It is learned.” helped shape her operations and management consulting company, Talmar It Up, LLC. Talmar enjoys Turning Vision into Action and finds that working with business owners is the juice that gets her excited.
Definition of Success: Being able to inspire, create action and assist business owners in the growth of their companies while being 100 % there for her family, supporting them in their needs and being present.
Best Advice: Research the buying decisions of your customers.
Words of Wisdom: Give yourself a break, you absolutely cannot do this alone. Be open to asking for it.
Recommended Books: Get Rich Lucky Bitch, Blue Mind
Recommended Apps: Evernote, Dropbox
Other Links: The Business Side of Business Podcast
Contact Information:, Twitter, LinkedIn
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Smita is the mother of 2 boys who are her lifeline, a wife to the most supportive husband and passionate about creative marketing and branding strategies. Her goal is to look for invisible clues to help business owners shape their story powerfully across channels. She has a strong passion to help women business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs stand out in this crowded market with effective and creative marketing and branding strategies. She had reverse culture shock when she moved from New Delhi, India to a small rural town in Pennsylvania to do her undergrad degree. In the past, she owned 2 brick and mortar businesses and a consulting firm. Her Mindset strategies is her fuel. You can change your life by changing your mindset.
Current Businesses:
Definition of Success: Before kids it was all about the big car, big house and all the money. Now it's to be able to give my family the freedom of time and money. If I can give my child my time to do the things we want to and not have to worry about anything else.
Best Advice: If you are trying to do an online business start small. Starting on the side gives you a sense of satisfaction that you are working towards a goal. It gives you the runway to make sure your idea is going to work.
Words of Wisdom: Do not look at other people and do not compare yourself to other people. Everybody has a life story, find yours.
Recommended Books: The Five Love Languages, The Firm, Think and Grow Rich, Pitch Perfect
Recommended Apps: Evernote, Headspace
Other Links: Orangetheory
Contact Information: , @thesmitasingh
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As the copywriter + strategist behind Kira Hug Inc. — and your fellow Pirate — Kira is your rebellious curator, your storyteller, your art director, and your challenger. And sometimes, she’s even your therapist. Under Kira’s care + wordsmithin’ wizardry, your story will be translated into copy that highlights the shiniest parts of your personality to the umpteenth degree AND sells, sells, SELLS. Kira’s eclectic background in marketing and visual communication led her to work for startups like, luxury brands like Estée Lauder, and a handful of global nonprofits. As the Host of the Bridal Rebellion Podcast, Kira interviews the most disruptive leaders in the wedding industry and the most rebellious (and lovable) brides. Kira lives outside of New York City on a mountain, surrounded by bears, with her partner, toddler and baby boy.
Current Businesses: The Branded Launch and Bridal Rebellion Podcast
Definition of Success: Long term slow growth. Slowing down to create relationships and partnerships that matter.
Best Advice: Stepping back and setting those goals that will help you see the bigger project.
Time Savers: Having a partner who takes on an equal part of the household tasks and kids.
Recommended Books: All Joy and No Fun, Linchpin
Recommended Apps: SaneBox, Base Camp, Toggl
Other Links:,
Contact Information:
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Diane Gardner is an expert tax coach, Quilly award recipient, and best-selling author whose proactive planning approach gives clients a leg up on Uncle Sam and helps them dodge the tax bullet. Diane saves small business clients between $5,000 and $50,000 in as little as 60 minutes!Her tax coaching sessions have resulted in a combined savings of nearly $500,000 to-date — hard-earned profits small business owners would have given to the government by overpaying taxes.Leaving no deduction or credit unexamined, Diane ensures professionals like you pay the least amount of taxes allowed by law.As a licensed Enrolled Agent, Diane prepares returns and helps taxpayers nationwide maximize profits and tax savings. She is a Certified Profit First Professional, QuickBooks Pro advisor, an Accredited Tax Preparer and has elite certification as a Tax Coach.
Diane is the co-author of the best-selling books, Stand Apart and Why Didn’t My CPA Tell Me That? She has also authored three other books including her newest, Stop Overpaying Your Taxes! 11 Ways Entrepreneurs Overpay and How to Stop it Now! She created the nationwide Get Off the Wheel virtual masterminding and coaching program and leads the Business Breakthrough Mastermind Group in her hometown of Rathdrum, Idaho.Diane enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter and grandson in her spare time. She serves on the board of the Twin Lakes Friends Camp, which offers summer camp programs for kids, and is active in her church, community organizations and several local Chambers of Commerce.
Current Businesses: Tax Coach 4 You
Definition of Success: Having time to spend with her husband and grandson. Early on it was the money now it's the time to do the things that are important to her.
Secret to Being the Best Mom and Finding the Time to Focus on Business: Give enough space to your children so they can become the people they want to be. Let them do their own thing, but let them comeback when they're ready to talk.
Best Advice:
Time Savers: Have the younger children help. Her husband is great at helping around the house especially during tax season.
Recommended Books: The 5 Love Languages, Three Feet from Gold, The Slight Edge.
Recommended Apps: Outlook
Contact Information: Tax Coach 4 You, Get Off the Wheel
Join the Working Woman Entrepreneur Community (see sidebar) and enter to win one of Diane's books.
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Dr. Portia Jackson is a busy working mom. She's married with two beautiful daughters (ages 3 and 1), one of whom has special needs, and she's a former rocket scientist turned financial adviser. She also teaches math and physics online at an aeronautical university, host of the Working Motherhood podcast, and she's involved in ministry at her church.
Current Businesses: Working Motherhood
Definition of Success: "Liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it."-Maya Angelou
Secret to Being the Best Mom She Can Be While Finding the Time to Work on Her Business:
Time Savers: Nanny that cleans, babysits and does laundry.
Recommended Books: Love and Respect, Think and Grow Rich, Loving Our Kids on Purpose, God's Creative Power for Finances
Recommended Apps: Nozbe, Calen Goo, Evernote, The Bible App
Contact Information: Working Motherhood, Facebook Group
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Jade Harrell is the charismatic creator and executive producer of RareGem Productions. Named "Positivity’s Greatest Promoter" by "Who's Who Publishing," Jade’s voice reverberates globally through multiple platforms of strictly positive programming. She is also the cohost of the Model Health Show Podcast with Shawn Stevenson.
Her life’s work includes extensive charitable efforts, appearances, presentations and productions in television, radio, books, stage plays and conference series. Jade Harrell began her career as the primetime lunchroom DJ at her high school’s radio station. She achieved her undergraduate degree in Business Administration while gaining notoriety as a top-booking club jock and television producer.
Jade made her presence felt in commercial radio with her sincerity and commitment to community as host and producer of legacy community affairs program, “Sunday Morning Live” on the Clear Channel Media + Entertainment radio network. She emerged as a noteworthy producer with the debut of “Let’s Get It! Together” an empowering weekly “life classroom” local radio series followed by 10 successful programs on-air within one year. She is currently an on-air personality 7 days a week between Hallelujah 1600 AM (Memphis, TN and St. Louis, MO) and Majic 100.3FM (St. Louis, MO).
Jade and husband Christopher are parents to five children and rescued giant dog “Rocky”.
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As an Author, Entrepreneur and Mom, Mary Kathryn Johnson has created success for over 12 years. A fall while pregnant with her second son landed her with two broken legs, her first book, and business, and she is now on her third business helping other Parents create their own Entrepreneurial success with podcasting, blogging and online courses.
She Started Her E Journey: Making novelty maternity T-Shirts.
Current Businesses: Parent Entrepreneur HQ and Parent Entrepreneur Power Podcast
Definition of Success: - When I'm growing, learning and being of service every single day to the betterment of everyone I touch including myself.
Advice for Women Starting Out in Business:
Motivation For Not Giving Up When Times Were Difficult: Knowing that she made it through her pregnancy with two broken legs taught her that she can do anything.
Time Savers: Involve kids in the daily running of the household.
Secret To Being the Best Mom You Can Be and Still Find The Time to Dedicate to Business: Asks herself what small intentional choice she has to make with her time today? She chooses to only work during the time her kids are in school or doing something else.
Recommended Books: The Miracle Morning, Steal the Show, Ask
Recommended Apps: Tabata Timer, Dashline, Google Authenticator, Headspace
Other links:
Contact Information: Parent Entrepreneur HQ
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As an Author, Entrepreneur and Mom, Mary Kathryn Johnson has created success for over 12 years. A fall while pregnant with her second son landed her with two broken legs, her first book, and business, and she is now on her third business helping other Parents create their own Entrepreneurial success with podcasting, blogging and online courses.
She Started Her E Journey: Making novelty maternity T-Shirts.
Current Businesses: Parent Entrepreneur HQ and Parent Entrepreneur Power Podcast
Definition of Success: - When I'm growing, learning and being of service every single day to the betterment of everyone I touch including myself.
Advice for Women Starting Out in Business:
Motivation For Not Giving Up When Times Were Difficult: Knowing that she made it through her pregnancy with two broken legs taught her that she can do anything.
Time Savers: Involve kids in the daily running of the household.
Secret To Being the Best Mom You Can Be and Still Find The Time to Dedicate to Business: Asks herself what small intentional choice she has to make with her time today? She chooses to only work during the time her kids are in school or doing something else.
Recommended Books: The Miracle Morning, Steal the Show, Ask
Recommended Apps: Tabata Timer, Dashline, Google Authenticator, Headspace
Other links:
Contact Information: Parent Entrepreneur HQ
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Jessica Rhodes is the founder and CEO of Interview Connections, the premier source for booking outstanding podcast guests. The Interview Connections team of booking agents works with the podcasters to find and book guests for their shows. She is also the host of the hit weekly web TV show, Interview Connections TV, she's the host of the Rhodes to Success Podcast and she is the co-host of The Podcast Producers.
She Started Her E Journey as a: Virtual Assistant.
Current Business: Interview Connections- The premier source for booking outstanding podcast guests.
Definition of Success: The Flexibility to live life in my own way, on my own schedule and to be able to determine my own income.
Advice for Women Starting Out in Business:
Motivation For Not Giving Up When Times Were Difficult: When things get challenging she tells herself "this too shall pass."
Time Savers: Being clear about boundaries and schedules (between business and family).
Secret To Being the Best Mom You Can Be and Still Find The Time to Dedicate to Business: Having a clear separation between your business and home life.
Recommended Books: Decide: The Ultimate Success Triggers (Free)
Recommended Apps: Slack
Contact Information:
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Leslie Reichert, “The Cleaning Coach”, is a nationally-recognized green home-keeping expert dedicated to educating people on keeping their homes, schools and work areas “green”. Her mission is to teach and encourage others in the “art” of green home-keeping. She is a green consultant whose wit, insight and humor has raised the green awareness in all of us. Leslie works with Better Homes & Gardens, Woman’s Day, Martha Stewart Living and even Dr. OZ! She is the editor of Clean Green Living Magazine, host of the weekly radio show – Clean Green Talk as well as a national speaker and TV personality.
Current Businesses: Shop Green Cleaning, Green Cleaning Coach, Clean Green Talk Show
Definition of Success: When your children turn back to you and say "we love what you do and we want to do it like you".
Advice for Women Starting Out in Business:
Motivation For Not Giving Up When Times Were Difficult: Take a few days to get head straight, walk away and if you are still loving it then you know it’s not the right time to quit.
Time Savers: 10 Minute Tidy (saves about 1 hour) -Put a timer on for 10 minutes. Give everyone a laundry basket and go...........(pick up everything and put in baskets).
Secret To Being the Best Mom You Can Be and Still Find The Time to Dedicate to Business: Be your children's cheerleader not their best friend.
Recommended Books: The E-Myth Revisited, The 5 Love Languages, See You At The Top
Recommended Apps: Fit Bit, Square Up (no scanner just plug into phone)
Contact Information: Facebook
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Natalie Eckdahl is the host of The Biz Chix Podcast and has appeared in numerous interviews sharing her own entrepreneurial journey and details of her life, her family and her businesses. Natalie has an MBA and is a former management consultant. She is the mom of 3 and runs two online businesses with her husband, Mark. Natalie also provides consulting services in podcasting and business startups and facilitates an exclusive group called THE NEST – A Biz Chix Accountability Group. Natalie enjoys speaking on Entrepreneurship, Work/Life Balance, Productivity and Outsourcing. She is able to share her own insights as well as those gleaned from interviewing over 100 female entrepreneurs.
Current Business: Biz Chix and Schedule Max
Definition of Success: Having the time to focus on the VIP's in her life.
Advice for Women Starting Out in Business:
Motivation For Not Giving Up When Times Were Difficult: Getting back to her "why" which is wanting to serve other entrepreneurs such as the ladies in her Facebook group.
Time Savers: Daughter cooks dinner one day a week and has a Nanny that comes three days a week.
Recommended Apps: Facebook Groups App, Social Oomph
Contact Information: Biz Chix, Twitter
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Rhonda Swan along with her husband and daughter have been traveling the world consistently for over 7 years. Their Unstoppable Endless Summer Journey has taken them to countries all over the world, including Hawaii, Mexico, Nicaragua, Bali, Australia, Peru and Brazil- to name just a few! As top income earners in the direct sales and network marketing industry, they have been able to ditch the corporate rat-race and live a luxury traveling lifestyle with their mobile business and are dedicated to sharing how they do it to the world around them.
Current Business: Direct Sales, Network Marketing, Coach, Mentor and Freedom-Preneur
Definition of Success: Being able to live free, earn free, make decisions free and allow her daughter to explore the world not through a text book but through experiences.
Advice for Women Starting Out in Business: Don't jump off the cliff give yourself a little room.
Huge Time Savers: Delegates cooking and cleaning to others (her husband is the cook). Assistants to help her on the business side of things.
Recommended Apps: Word Swag, Snapseed, Magisto, Holosync
Recommended Books: The 4-Hour Workweek, What Do You Really Want for Your Children?, Unstoppable Me
Contact Information:, Facebook,
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